Share the View - International Nature Photo Contest
Entry Period:
October 15, 2025 -
December 5, 2025
$1,000 Grand Prize
$4,000 in additional prizes
... and more
Renowned Judges:
To be announced...

Special Awards Explained...

Kevin Barry photo

Additionally, we'll award cash prizes to the subjects below. These special prizes are funded by sponsors and we encourage everyone to visit the sponsor websites to learn more about them.

Special Awards are OPTIONAL! All entries will be considered for the Grand Prize, First, and Second Prizes, and Top 250 group. Photos may also qualify for Special Awards, so check the box(es) for each award subject. For example, a bird photo taken in a national park may be entered in the Birds category. If you want it considered for the National Parks Special Award as well, you must check the box next to National Parks and Wildlife Refuges.

And it is possible for an image to be entered for more than one Special Award, so check each subject for which you feel your image is eligible. Please note that each image can only win one prize.

This year's Special Awards are:

Colorado Nature and Wildlife - $250
Sponsored by Colorado Life Magazine
The top nature or wildlife photo from Colorado as selected by the editors of Colorado Life Magazine.

Migratory Birds - $250
Sponsored by Cloud Ridge Naturalists advocating for Cornell Lab of Ornithology and
the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Any of species on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (Species List). Read more...
Species from the list may be photographed anywhere in the world.

National Parks and Wildlife Refuges - $250
Sponsored by The NANPA Foundation (North American Nature Photography Assn.)
Images taken within the borders of a national park or wildlife refuge worldwide.

Ocean Life - $250
Sponsored by Cloud Ridge Naturalists
A scene or wildlife image in an ocean environment. Read more...
Nature subjects can be on, under, or above water. Oceans are defined as Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern Ocean and their direct extensions, such as seas, bays and gulfs.

Sense of Place - $250
Sponsored by Mile High Wildlife Photo Club
A wildlife subject within a scene that connects the viewer with the animal's environment.

Urban Wildlife - $250
Sponsored by Colorado Urban Wildlife Photo Club
Show nature's presence in a human-made environment.
Flora or fauna must be the primary interest and human structures have to be visible. These are often in a town or city, but other elements that were created by people, such as fences, signs, roads, barbed wire, etc. are also applicable.

Humor in Nature, the Marilyn Rhodes Award - $250
Sponsored by The Share the View Team
Photos that generate smiles or happy, silly and joyful responses are perfect subjects. Any photos of nature, including flora, fauna or landscapes qualify for this prize.

Closeup Perspectives - $250 (new this year!)
Sponsored by Anonymous Donor
Anything in the natural world that meets our criteria, as long as it is shown close up (not necessarily macro).